Time travel, parallel worlds, cinematography, Hawkins Stephen, Haugh Everette, Science FictionAbstract
Time travel is one of the biggest themes of science fiction, to the point of being considered a genre in itself. The idea of going to relive the past, or to discover the future in advance, is an old human dream caused by the fact that the human being progresses through time in a constant but irreversible way. One of the earliest mentions of time travel is the character of Merlin the Wizard in the Arthurian cycle of the Knights of the Round Table, who visited past times. The Celts believed in the possibility of time travel and parallel worlds, from tombs, mounds to other mythological places. The theme of time travel is partly related to the world of prophecies, which was also widespread among ancient peoples. Physicists and philosophers, as well as today’s science fiction thinkers and writers, have always been interested in time travel, the theoretical and surrealistic effects of light-speed travel, and the logical paradoxes that would arise from time travel.
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