
  • Temelko Risteski Center for Advanced Researches, Skopje




man, alienate, alienation, terrorism


The paper gives an overview of the phenomenon of terrorism as a form of man from man alienation starting from the ancient philosophical schools and ending with Hegel, Marx and Fromm.
In the paper is used the method of analysis of the philosophical (ethical) aspects of human alienation from man with special reference to Hegel, Marx and Fromm theory of alienation as a general phenomenon in interpersonal relations and terrorism as a special form of human alienation of man from man.
According to philosophers, especially to Hegel, Marx, and finally Fromm, modern man is a slave to objects, be they immovable and movable objects, and above all, a slave to money, as objects. As a slave to objects, running after them and grabbing them in order to have as many, as possible and as modern, better, bigger, etc. man forgets himself. He is alienated from himself, from his generic being and instead of enjoying life, he is enslaved to it. By alienating oneself, the man alienates himself from other people, as well. Alienated people do not live emotionally with their fellow citizens. They live next to them. They are lonely in the crowd around them. Individually or organized in social groups: associations of citizens, parties or states, understood as human organizations, ie national societies, they, in the struggle to have, strive to have alien: alien power, alien space, alien territory, alien natural wealth, oil, gas etc. Loaded with that aspiration, they work to conquer alien. Striving for alien, they often reach for it.
People who own alien, strive to preserve their ownership. There is a conflict between those who strive to take the ownership of other and those who want to keep it as their own. The conflict evolves to unintended proportions. The fruit of the evolution of the conflict, among other things, is terrorism, as the highest form of man from man alienation in peace time.
Contemporary forms of terrorism, as a form of man from man alienation, have their own historical evolution. The philosophical-historical approach to them will contribute to a deeper understanding of terrorism as a form of alienation of man from man, which is very important for its prevention in the present and the future.


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Author Biography

Temelko Risteski , Center for Advanced Researches, Skopje




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How to Cite

Risteski , T. . (2023). TERRORISM AS A FORM OF ALIENATION OF MAN FROM MAN. SCIENCE International Journal, 2(3), 1–7. https://doi.org/10.35120/sciencej0203001r
