
  • Emilija Marković Faculty for Teacher`s Education in Prizren-Leposavic, Serbia
  • Јеlena Krulj Faculty for Teacher`s Education in Prizren-Leposavic, Serbia
  • Nataša Lazović State University in Novi Pazar, Serbia
  • Ivana Simijonović Faculty for Teacher`s Education in Prizren-Leposavic, Serbia



ecological identity, antrophocentric orientation, eco-centric orientation, educational process


In the modern world one of the most present problems is the state of living environment and its protection and preservation. In this context, forming of ecological identity is highly important in the aim of creating the basis for pro-ecological behaviors which could allow to present and future generations quality survival on the Earth. Ecological identity is related to the relation of human beeing to the nature, his/her connection with the nature as to cognitive, affective and behavioral elements by which we are acquiring knoledge about nature, developing emotional relation to it which is manifested in behavioral segment. Development of stronger or weaker ecological identity determines our motivation for pro-ecological behaviors. We can find the basis of ecological identity in two basic orientation to the nature, anthropocentric and eco-centric orientations where both of them include high evaluation of the importance of the nature for human kind but where anthropocentric orientation puts emphasis on human being and the need for preservation of nature for human wellbeing and improving of the quality of human life while eco-centric orientation puts emphasis on intrinsic value of the nature that should be preserved for its own. Development of ecological identity begins in the early childhood and educational process and the process of socialization take part in it and that is the way in which pro-ecological norms and values, later attitudes are instilling in the child. As facts of a high importance, in literature it is stressed staying and activities in nature where children make direct connection with the bounties of nature gradually realizing its values and developing habits which will contribute to its preservation. Such influences begin in the family but, it is very important that preschool institutions and early grades of primary school have developed programs of ecological education and adequate methods for its implementation. Development of ecological identity is continuing further through later scooloing and through organizational ecological identity which should be the part of organizational culture. The aim of this work is elucidation of meaning of ecological identity, about which there has not been many discussions in our country, analysis of the factors which are participating in its development and of the role of educational process in forming and further development of ecological identity as the foundation of the pro-ecological behavior.


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How to Cite

Marković, E., Krulj Ј., Lazović, N., & Simijonović, I. (2024). EDUCATIONAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF DEVELOPING OF ECOLOGICAL IDENTITY. SCIENCE International Journal, 3(2), 97–100.


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