Media, Strategic Framework, Crisis Situations, Television, FramingAbstract
This paper analyses the use of a strategic framework by national frequency televisions in crisis reporting. They aim is to determine the presence of strategic frames in media content, language forms and methods used to construct strategic frames by media, and who the subjects and sources of crisis reporting are. During a crisis, the public relies on the media as a source of information, and political entities exert high pressure on journalists. Due to the connection between the media and politics, media reporting is becoming more biased. The focus is on the political subjects as dominant sources of information and representatives of the crisis. The analyses tries to indicate the role of pluralism of ideas in the Serbian political process and to examine wheather the ideas articulated in the public space reflect the true spectrum of social aspirations. This research was based on a case study of media coverage of the domestic crisis in Belgrade, Serbia. The results show a high degree of singular presentation of reality and routinization of local media practice. Also, symbolical politics is reflected through strategic frames, and the public is getting an image of a polarised world from the dominant political players’ perspective. By giving practical examples and insights into various aspects of media content, we can increase awareness of the level of strategic framing used and encourage media outlets to return to the research process.
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