
  • Hadzi Zivorad M. Milenovic University in Pristina – Kosovska Mitrovica, Teacher education Faculty, Serbia
  • Hadzi Milos V. Vidakovic University in Pristina – Kosovska Mitrovica, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Serbia
  • Biljana S. Jeremic University in Novi Sad, Faculty od Education in Sombor, Serbia




manichaeism, donatism, Pelagianism, pansophy, sermons, teaching


This paper explores the theological and didactic works of St. Augustine of Hippo. He is considered one of the greatest founders of Christianity, combating the Donatist and Pelagian heresies, preaching the Christian faith to his flock, and addressing topics concerning the relationship between man and God, the relationship between God and the world, the existence of evil in the world, and the dichotomy in the understanding of God and the world by the Manicheans. In addition to his theological work, St. Augustine of Hippo is also remembered for his sermons, which bear the characteristics of didactic work and are based on the understanding of human nature, upon which the extent to which it is possible to educate a person depends. From his teachings, some didactic principles can be derived: 1) if you are silent, be silent out of love; 2) if you speak, speak out of love; 3) if you admonish, admonish out of love; and 4) if you forgive, forgive out of love. It is concluded that from the theological and didactic work of St. Augustine of Hippo, it follows that what is primal and blessed, instructive and didactic, is only that which is done willingly and out of love. Recommendations for employing St. Augustine of Hippo’s theological and didactic works in instructing pupils in the modern educational setting are made in light of these conclusions.


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How to Cite

M. Milenovic, H. Z., V. Vidakovic, H. M., & S. Jeremic, B. (2024). DIDACTIC AND THEOLOGICAL WORKS OF ST. AUGUSTINE OF HIPPO. SCIENCE International Journal, 3(2), 159–162. https://doi.org/10.35120/sciencej0302159m
