Serbian Social Democratic Party, Svetozar Marković, Vasa Pelagić, pedagogical studies, activities related to pedagogy and andragogyAbstract
During the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries, the childrearing and education of children, young people, and adults in Serbia was influenced not only by the working class, but also by the state and political parties in power. In this paper, we will examine the lives of notable figures of the Serbian socialist movement, their perspectives on parenting and education, as well as their contributions to adult education and their useful pedagogical and andragogic activities. The historical interpretations of that period served as valuable source for researching the socio-political and economic situation, while the scientific-theoretical influences wereanalysed with the help of the pedagogical teachings of the most influential educators of the day. The primary focus of this paper is an examination of the ideologies and biographies of the prominent figures in the Serbian socialist movement. The analysis includes Svetozar Marković, Vasa Pelagić, Dimitrije Tucović, Radovan Dragović and Dušan Popović, who played a crucial role in the development of educational concepts and practical pedagogical and andragogic practices. The goal of this paper is to investigate the influence of prominent Serbian socialist movement leaders on the upbringing and education of children, youth and adults in Serbia during the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. Their perspectives on education and parenting, adult education and learning, and their practical pedagogical and andragogic work in the labour movement of Serbia during the first decades of the 20th century will be all included in the research. The study's findings demonstrated how the ideas and efforts of influential members of the Serbian socialist movement influenced the formation and reform of educational systems, both for children and youth, and for adults.
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