investor protection, investments, legal framework, Serbia, arbitration, international standards, institutional mechanismsAbstract
Investor protection is a key element in creating a favorable business environment and attracting foreign and domestic investments. This scientific paper analyzes the legal aspects of investor protection in the Republic of Serbia, with special reference to the legislative framework, institutional mechanisms and international agreements that regulate this area. This paper deals with identifying the legal challenges that investors face, as well as the existing mechanisms that ensure their protection. Through the analysis of domestic and international legal frameworks, the goal is to point out the importance of further improvement of legal solutions and strengthening of institutional support for investor protection. The paper further discusses the role of international arbitration in the settlement of investment disputes. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the legal aspects of investor protection in the Republic of Serbia, with a focus on the compliance of domestic legislation with international standards and practices. In this paper we use a legal-analytical methodology, which includes a review of relevant laws, an analysis of institutional mechanisms for investor protection, as well as case studies from court practice and arbitration proceedings. The research results show that, although there is a solid legislative framework, certain legal risks still remain, especially in terms of law enforcement and the protection of investors' rights in practice. Recommendations include further strengthening of institutional support and improvement of transparency in the settlement of investment disputes. The conclusion of the paper emphasizes the need for continuous adjustment of the legal system in order to further improve the protection of investors and ensure a more favorable investment environment in Serbia.
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