
  • Laureta Alili Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia; Republic of North Macedonia



non-discrimination, legal framework


Discrimination is considered any unjustifiable difference or non-equal treatment - exclusion, limitation or advantage directed against certain individuals or groups, as well as family members or other persons closely related to them, whether openly or covertly, on the basis gender, skin color, nationality, ancestry, national or ethnic origin, language, religious or political beliefs, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, property status or other factors.
The purpose of non-discrimination legislation is to give everyone an equitable chance to take advantage of opportunities that are available in a society. This paper aims to explore the application of non-discrimination in international law within the context of the Republic of North Macedonia. The Republic of North Macedonia (RNM) is discussed in the paper as an example of how the idea has been used domestically. The purpose of this study is to construct a framework for the idea of non-discrimination and to bridge disparate conceptions of it to establish a range of contexts. The principles of equality and non-discrimination as part of rule of law and the paper’s specific objectives include identifying non-discrimination law organizations, the background of various statutes, and other facets of this law like The Republic of North Macedonia’s legal system and policy.
The purpose of this study will be to examine the non-discrimination in international law, specifically within the context of North Macedonia, which serves the broader purpose of promoting human rights, equality, and social justice within the country and providing valuable insights for similar efforts globally. It helps assess the state’s commitment to upholding non-discrimination principles and identifies areas for improvement to ensure that the rights of all individuals are protected and respected.
As a conclusion, we will reaffirm a few of the recommendations given in order to encourage the Republic of North Macedonia’s dedication to equality and non-discrimination.


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