
  • Dragana Cicović Sarajlić University of Priština in Kosovska Mitrovica, Faculty of Arts, Serbia
  • Ester Milentijević University of Priština in Kosovska Mitrovica, Faculty of Arts, Serbia
  • Desanka Trakilović Faculty of Pedagogy in Bijeljina, University of East Sarajevo, Republic of Srpska



correlation, musical culture, art culture, artistic expression, elementary school


The paper discusses the correlation of the content of teaching music and fine arts in the lower grades of elementary school. The goal of this research was to determine how the connection between the elements of music and visual arts can be used in working with students within these two subjects. Given the natural connection of related teaching contents from two different artistic fields, which interpenetrate and complement each other, the possibilities for establishing a correlation are diverse and numerous, and acceptable and stimulating for students. In accordance with that, the two-way connection of these two different artistic fields was pointed out, because through the creative process in which music is an incentive for the creation of a work of art, at the same time, the artistic content is a visual stimulus for musical inventiveness. This kind of integration of visual content in the teaching of music culture on the one hand, and integration of auditory content in the teaching of art culture on the other hand, contributes to the improvement of the quality of teaching of these two art subjects, but also of music and art education in a broader sense. The paper contains suggestions for musical activities and contents in the function of their application in the appropriate areas and contents of art education. The important role of the teacher in the realization of the teaching process is apostrophized. It depends on his professional competence and creativity which forms, methods and procedures he will apply in the realization of teaching content so that they are as interesting, acceptable and suitable for the age of the students. It was concluded that the importance of the correlation between these two subjects is reflected in the deepening and expansion of student knowledge, increased motivation, as well as the ability to work independently and creatively.


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How to Cite

Cicović Sarajlić, D., Milentijević, E., & Trakilović, D. (2024). CORRELATION OF MUSIC AND ART CULTURE TEACHING CONTENT. SCIENCE International Journal, 3(2), 181–186.


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