modern educational technology, teaching of music and art culture, primary schoolAbstract
The paper discusses the possibilities of application of modern educational technology in teaching art subjects, specifically music and art culture, in primary school. Modern educational technology, including digital platforms, multimedia tools and interactive applications, offer significant potential for enriching the teaching process, making it more dynamic, interactive and adapted to the needs of students. Using these resources, teachers can combine traditional teaching methods with modern technologies, which allows students to learn in a way that is more adapted to their interests and needs, with a richer visual and audio experience. In this regard, the aim of this paper is to explore the advantages and challenges of integrating these technologies into teaching art subjects. Special attention is paid to the impact of technology on student creativity, motivation and engagement, as well as the role of teachers in integrating these resources into teaching. The paper emphasizes the importance of developing teachers' digital competencies, which are key to the successful implementation of modern teaching of art subjects. The role of the teacher in such teaching is multifaceted and requires responsibility, patience and flexibility. The teacher acts as a guide and mentor who helps students safely explore and use all the opportunities that technology offers them, while at the same time encouraging them to creative expression and independent learning. With proper guidance and support, the teacher helps students develop not only artistic, but also digital skills that will be valuable to them in the future. The paper presents examples of good practices and recommendations for improving teaching through the innovative use of modern educational technology.
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