competencies, teacher, implementation, children, special educational needsAbstract
In modern society, the need for competences is becoming increasingly apparent, both for teachers, pedagogues and for other professions. Teacher competencies are a current topic of pedagogy, because they are trying to research, analyze and reach the most complete, high-quality profile of the teacher, in order to maximally improve his role in the upbringing and education of children and young people. It is necessary to design and modify competencies that would be most suitable for the teacher's work with children with special educational needs. In addition to the theoretical part of the paper, in which we analyzed in more detail the meaning of the concept of teacher competence, the paper also contains an empirical part. In fact, only an extract from a more extensive research is given, which explicitly refers to the pedagogical phenomenon - The necessity of professional development of the competence of teachers for working with children with special needs. The research was conducted on a sample of 170 primary school teachers in the area of Kosovska Mitrovica using the descriptive method and the method of pedagogical theory analysis. From the research techniques, we opted for the survey technique, and from the instruments - a questionnaire for teachers. Based on the conducted research, we can state that the obtained results can be used to draw a series of conclusions about the need to implement the competence of teachers for pedagogical work with children with special educational needs.
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